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ShopeeFood and Pizza Hut Delivers Food for Hari Raya Celebrations

ShopeeFood and Pizza Hut Delivers Love to Food Delivery Partners for Ramadhan and Hari Raya Celebrations

ShoppeFood Raya

Assalamualaikum all, in conjunction with Ramadhan and the upcoming Hari Raya celebrations, ShopeeFood together with Pizza Hut organised several berbuka puasa sessions across Klang Valley and Selangor for its fleet of food delivery partners. 

The #ShopeeDeliversLove campaign is in its second year and aims to show appreciation to ShopeeFood delivery partners.

Hundreds of delivery partners attended the sessions across many locations such as Wangsa Maju, Kota Damansara, Kepong and Kajang. Besides feasting on various yummy pizzas and beverages provided by Pizza Hut, the delivery partners also received many other goodies like Hari Raya cookies and petrol vouchers.


According to Kwa Yin Leng, Head of Operations for ShopeeFood Malaysia: “We are excited to be able to host this event on an annual basis for our delivery partners. ShopeeFood recognises the important role driver partners play in our business. As such, we continue to engage them closely, to better understand their needs. We take our driver partners’ feedback seriously, implement support initiatives and policies that meet their needs and continuously improve their welfare.”

“ShopeeFood is committed to delivering the highest quality of service for our customers by providing our users with value, variety and convenience through an integrated ecosystem. We hope by providing good food to our delivery partners, they will have more flexibility to observe their religious duties while delivering customer orders during this busy period,” she added.

Besides receiving food, delivery partners were also given a chance to win attractive lucky prizes that included smartphones, helmets and other riding apparel like raincoats.

Delivery partners interviewed during the event also expressed their appreciation for the gesture from ShopeeFood. En. Faizal bin Hashom who has been working with ShopeeFood for more than one and a half years said: “It is such a great event, and I hope ShopeeFood can organise a bigger one in the future so more drivers can attend it together. The timing to have the event during the month of Ramadan and Hari Raya is good as well.”

Another delivery partner, En. Abdul Qayum Bin Baharum said: “This event is really good for drivers to get together to not only meet new friends that are working in the same area but also a great opportunity to meet the ShopeeFood management team. The gifts are very attractive and I am grateful that we are able to participate in this event. Thank you ShopeeFood.”

For the Hari Raya period, ShopeeFood will also be having special discounts from 20th - 21st April. The offers include Free Delivery and features various merchants such as myBurgerLab, HWC Coffee, and Nasi Ayam Penyet.

ShopeeFood was established in 2021 to help its users benefit from a convenient and hassle-free food delivery experience by providing numerous eateries, from popular joints to local street food stalls, at the best value. 

As part of Shopee’s existing ecosystem that includes the mobile wallet ShopeePay, along with amazing deals and promotions all year round, Malaysians have a secure, and rewarding payment and delivery experience with ShopeeFood.

Selamat Hari Raya!



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